Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When is the Easter Bunny Coming?

Do you hear this in your house? 

With two kids in my house we've already heard it. They are waiting for their next basket of goodies. It starts with Halloween...bag of goodies! Christmas...bags and bags of goodies! Valentine's Day...ANOTHER bag of goodies! Easter....yet another BAG OF GOODIES.

I don't know about y'all, but we are doing less sugar in this house and moving more towards little gifties that the children would nag the life outta me to buy at the store. So this year, when Easter comes on April 24, 2011. I'll fill these cute little personalized Easter baskets full of little gifts they believe they can't live without.

The greatest thing about these personalized Easter baskets is after Easter, my kids can use these baskets in their room to store their stuff, and since they aren't babies anymore, these baskets are great for kids of all ages!

Click here to view these Easter Baskets on CarolinaClover.com, check out the 9 patterns and colors available.

Spring is only a few weeks away!